
Message from the Minister

Ethiopia stands at the forefront of a transformative journey, one that seeks to secure our nation’s food sovereignty and achieve self-sufficiency. The establishment of the Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands (MILLs) signals a bold step forward in our pursuit of these noble objectives.In Ethiopia, agriculture is the backbone of our economy. However, the potential for optimizing irrigation remains largely untapped, with less than 10% of arable land currently benefiting from such systems. Recognizing the critical importance of these sector, the Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands (MILLs) has undertaken an ambitious mission to implement innovative, efficient, and sustainable irrigation systems that will revolutionize our agricultural landscape.In addition to enhancing irrigation, developing Ethiopia’s lowlands is one of our top priorities. By implementing targeted development strategies, we can unlock the productivity of lowlands, ensuring they contribute significantly to our national food security and economic resilience.Our ministry is dedicated to fostering innovation, sustainability, and collaboration. Together, we can transform Ethiopia’s agricultural sector, ensuring a prosperous future for all. As we move forward, I would like to invite our governmental counterparts, the private sector, and development partners to join us in these transformative efforts to achieve food sovereignty, and lowland development while advancing several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Together, let us stride towards a future where every Ethiopian can blossom and thrive.

H.E. Abraham Belay Berhe (PhD)Minister of Irrigation and LowlandsFederal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia



Irrigation has been used to develop large to medium-scale farms in Ethiopia. However, given the possibilities it offers for the country’s agriculture sector and overall economic development, it remains underutilized. Moreover, as Ethiopia has envisioned to become a middle-income country by 2023 E.C, the proper utilization of natural resources and irrigation technology can help in realizing this vision.

An important challenge that has to be solved for this vision to become a reality, is the question of food security and climate resilience. If used effectively, irrigation technology is an option that can help solve this issue and have positive trickle-down effects across other sectors. However, this question is also tied with the farmers, pastoralists and semi-pastoralists populations in lowland areas of the country. These areas of Ethiopia have historically been underexplored despite the opportunities they may offer.

The Ministry of Irrigations and Lowlands (MILLS), was therefore established to leverage the vast land, water, animal and human resources found within the lowland areas of Ethiopia to help achieve the country in its development mission.

Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands


A prosperous Ethiopia where it has achieved food security through the implementation of climate resilient, science backed sustainable irrigation schemes along with lowland development and governance.

Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands


The ministry aims to realize this vision by modernizing irrigation systems and enhancing drought resilience to boost economic advancement in the lowlands of Ethiopia. In addition, the ministry aims to enable holistic and integrated sustainable development and governance of lowlands by using water as a core resource in addition to leveraging climate and drought-resilient technologies and solutions without disrupting the socio-economic livelihood of communities.

Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands

Chief Office

Minister’s Office

Organizational Structure

Lead Executive

Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands


The Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands (MILLs) is a newly established ministry through Proclamation NO. 1263/2021 under the new government structure of Ethiopia. The ministry was established to bridge the gap that existed between water/energy infrastructures and required agricultural productivity. Due to the importance and needed focus on sustainable development in irrigation and lowland to achieve food sovereignty, food security and improvement of livelihoods, irrigation as well as lowland development and governance initiatives have been elevated to a ministerial institution.

Per the proclamation, the ministry is mandated to:

Initiate policies, strategies, and laws with respect to irrigation development, lowlands, and drought-prone areas; prepare detailed programs compatible with the national development plan for their implementation and implement the same upon approval.

Facilitate the proper utilization of ground water and surface water resources of the country for irrigation in consultation with the Ministry of Water and Energy.

Promote irrigation development projects through different means and create conducive conditions for private investors to gain incentives in accordance with the law.

In collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE), expand irrigation development in pastoral and semi pastoral areas.

Accelerate the expansion of irrigation development to achieve food security and eventually export income.

Develop irrigation projects that are supported by innovative technologies that will enhance productivity and to adopt mechanisms for effective use of water.




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