International Conference on Irrigation and Climate-Resilient Production 2025

The Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands is set to host the inaugural “International Conference on Irrigation and Climate-Resilient Production 2025”, taking place from Feb 12-14, 2025, at Adwa Victory Memorial Museum.

This conference will set the stage for transformative policies that advance our nation’s food sovereignty, climate-smart practices, and water-efficient technologies.
Cultivating Resilience: Global Perspectives on Irrigation Development and Climate Adaptation

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#FDRE #ICICRP2025 #MILLs #Irrigation #ClimateResilience #FoodSovereignity

H.E. Dr. Abraham Belay, Minister of Irrigation and Lowlands and Mr. Giovanni Munoz, Chief of the East and Southern Africa Service, Farayi Zimudzi, FAO Representative in Ethiopia, and delegates have discussed ongoing areas of engagement

In NewsJune 5, 20241 Minutes


June 3/2024

Today, H.E. Dr. Abraham Belay, Minister of Irrigation and Lowlands, and H.E. Dr. Birhanu Lenjiso, State Minister of Irrigation Development Sector, welcomed Mr. Giovanni Munoz, Chief of the East and Southern Africa Service, Farayi Zimudzi, FAO Representative in Ethiopia, and delegates to discuss ongoing areas of engagement. Key topics included receiving technical support for our upcoming flagship projects and developing irrigation codes and standards. Excitingly, #FAO has agreed to consider supporting the integration of GIS-based MIS systems into our flagship programs, enhancing our data management capabilities. The delegates also explored other collaboration areas, such as support for irrigation design, construction, operation, and maintenance, as well as assistance with irrigation investment analysis and tariff settings.

This partnership with FAO marks a significant milestone in our efforts to enhance agricultural infrastructure and sustainability.

The Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands (MILLs) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Project Services Office (UNOPs)

In NewsJuly 24, 20231 Minutes


We are thrilled to announce our partnership with #UNOPs. This historic agreement was entered into by H.E. Aisha Mohammed Mussa (Eng.), (Minister of Irrigation and Lowlands), and Mrs. Worknesh Mekonnen (Director, Ethiopia Multi-Country Office and UNOPs Representative to AU). This collaboration will pave the way for transformative development in the Ethiopian Lowlands, unlocking the untapped resources and ushering in a new era of prosperity and opportunity. Both teams will work hand in hand to mobilize resources for technical assistance, conducting comprehensive feasibility studies, pilots, and scaleups. These initiatives are crucial in identifying and capitalizing on the vast potential of the Ethiopian Lowlands. Both #MILLs and UNOPS share a common vision that the Ethiopian Lowlands are lands of immense opportunity, not scarcity.

Together, we are determined to harness these abundant resources and drive forward the development of our lowlands, with a special focus on irrigation to ensure a flourishing future for our communities.

MILLs and Heifer International sign an MOU to forge a long-term transformative partnership for Sustainable Development

In NewsJune 27, 20232 Minutes


June 26, 2023, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – In a significant milestone towards achieving a sustainable and climate-resilient future, the Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands, Ethiopia (MILLs) has joined forces with renowned international non-profit organization, Heifer International. Ethiopia, with its diverse landscape and rich agricultural heritage, recognizes the need for robust initiatives that not only boost productivity but also enhance the resilience of communities in the face of a changing climate. This collaboration with Heifer International marks a new chapter in Ethiopia’s journey towards self-sufficiency and sustainable development.

During the event held at MILLs, an MOU was signed between H.E. Eng. Aisha Mohammed Mussa, Minister of Irrigation and Lowlands and Surita Sandosham, President & CEO of Hiefer International, marking the beginning of this exciting partnership.

Representatives from both parties shared their respective perspectives:
“As we embark on the critical journey towards a sustainable and climate-resilient Ethiopia, our alliance with Heifer International represents a significant benchmark. Jointly, we are committed to developing a comprehensive lowland and pastoral development strategy, reinforcing the effectiveness of our dairy value chains, and driving commercially viable irrigation programs led by the private sector. This partnership goes beyond traditional collaboration; it serves as a beacon of transformative progress, illuminating our steadfast pursuit for a food-sovereign Ethiopia”
H.E. Eng. Aisha Mohammed Mussa

”What differentiates Heifer is our core values that prioritize the smallholder farmer and our dedication to delivering sustainable and marketable solutions tailored to their needs. Our focus is on sustainability and scalability, ensuring long-term impact. We fully embrace the holistic approach advocated by the Minister and remain committed to its implementation.”
Surita Sandosham President and CEO of Heifer International

Lower Genale Feasibility Study and Detail Design of Irrigation Project (Lot-II)

On Going

Lower Genale Feasibility Study and Detail Design of Irrigation Project (Lot-II)


Somali National Regional State
Zone | Woreda

Liben and Afder | Dolo-ado, Bekolmayu and Dolo-bay

Equipped Areas

38,000 Hectares
Type of Headwork

Diversion Storage and Lifting

Date Contracted

June, 2021 GCE
Date Completed - Expected

November, 2022 GCE

Project Cost

96,082,127.93 Ethiopian Birr
Irrigation System

Furrow Irrigation System (Gravity System)

Tendaho Dam and Irrigation Development Project


Tendaho Dam and Irrigation Development Project


Afar National Regional State
Zone | Woreda

One | Dubiti and Ayisaita

Equipped Areas

30,000 Hectares
Type of Headwork

Zoned rock fill Dam with central impervious core

Date Started

March, 1997 Ethiopian Calendar
Date Completed

June, 2007 Ethiopian Calendar

Project Cost

8.56 Billion Ethiopian Birr
Irrigation System


Weib Feasibility Study and Detail Design of Irrigation Project

On Going

Weib Feasibility Study and Detail Design of Irrigation Project


Oromia and Somali National Regional State
Zone | Woreda

Oromia - Bale Zone | Dawe Serari
Somali - Afdare | Chereti

Equipped Areas

4,890.49 Hectares
Type of Headwork

Diversion Weir

Date Contracted

June, 2021 GCE
Date Completed - Expected

September, 2022 GCE

Project Cost

20,289,966.98 Ethiopian Birr
Irrigation System

Furrow Irrigation System (Gravity System)

Lower Genale Feasibility Study and Detail Design of Irrigation Project

On Going

Lower Genale Feasibility Study and Detail Design of Irrigation Project


Oromia and Somali National Regional State
Zone | Woreda

Oromia - Guji Zone | Liben Woreda - | Bale Zone | Meda - Welabu Woreda
Somali - Liben Zone | Kersa dula and Dekasuftu Woreda

Equipped Areas

17,000 Hectares
Type of Headwork

Diversion Weir

Date Contracted

March, 2021 GCE
Date Completed - Expected

November, 2022 GCE

Project Cost

51,133,046.04 Ethiopian Birr
Irrigation System

Furrow Irrigation System (Gravity System)

Kesem Dam and Irrigation Development Project


Kesem Dam and Irrigation Development Project


Afar National Regional State
Zone | Woreda

Three | Kesem and Golehamo

Equipped Areas

4,000 Hectares
Type of Headwork

Zoned rock fill Dam with central impervious core

Date Started

March, 1997 Ethiopian Calendar
Date Completed

June, 2007 Ethiopian Calendar

Project Cost

2.75 Billion Ethiopian Birr
Irrigation System


Lower Genale Feasibility Study and Detail Design of Irrigation Project (Lot-II)

On Going

Lower Genale Feasibility Study and Detail Design of Irrigation Project (Lot-II)


Somali National Regional State
Zone | Woreda

Liben and Afder | Dolo-ado, Bekolmayu and Dolo-bay

Equipped Areas

38,000 Hectares
Type of Headwork

Diversion Storage and Lifting

Date Contracted

June, 2021 GCE
Date Completed - Expected

November, 2022 GCE

Project Cost

96,082,127.93 Ethiopian Birr
Irrigation System

Furrow Irrigation System (Gravity System)