Federal Steering Committee Gathers to Drive $424M Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project (LLRP II) Forward ---------------------------------- The Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands, under the leadership of H.E. Dr. Abraham Belay, Minister of Irrigation and Lowlands, has convened the Federal Steering Committee Meeting alongside H.E. Muferihat Kamil Ahmed, Minister of Labor and Skills, H.E. Dr. Habtamu Itefa, Minister of Water and Energy, H.E. Dr. Fikru Regassa, State Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, H.E. Dr. Endrias Geta, State Minister, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands, and key stakeholders. The agenda is centered on Phase II of the Lowlands Livelihood Resilience Project (LLRP II), a comprehensive initiative designed to elevate the socio-economic status of Ethiopia’s lowland communities. H.E. Dr. Endrias Geta, State Minister, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands, in his welcome address, stated that the Federal Steering Committee will assess the completion and outcomes of LLRP I and deliberate on the plan for LLRP II. In his opening remarks, H.E. Dr. Abraham Belay, Minister of Irrigation and Lowlands, highlighted that the event serves as a platform to assess the impact phase one has had on the livelihoods of the lowlands community. The Honorable Minister further emphasized that this platform provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to assume responsibility for executing LLRP II, underscoring the strategic importance of this initiative for the sustainable development of our lowlands. ---- Spanning 120 districts across 7 regions and the Dire Dawa Administration, LLRP II is supported by a significant budget of USD 424 million, directly benefiting 3 million pastoralists and agropastoralists (600,000 households, 50% women, 20% youth). This five-year program seeks to address the adverse impacts of climate change through job creation and diversification of income-generating opportunities. By boosting climate resilience and productivity, LLRP II is poised to play a vital role in advancing Ethiopia's national development framework, particularly in the lowland areas of Ethiopia.

የመስኖና ቆላማ አካባቢ ሚኒስቴር የመስኖ ስታንዳርድና ደንብ ዶክመንት ዝግጅትን የስራ ሂደት ገመገመ ************************ የመስኖና ቆላማ አካባቢ ሚኒስቴር የመስኖ ስታንዳርድና ደንብ ዝግጅት አፈጻጸም ያለበትን ሂደት የሚኒስቴር መ/ቤቱና የፕሮጀክቱ ከፍተኛ አመራሮች በተገኙበት በሚኒስቴር መ/ቤቱ አዳራሽ በቀን 9/12/2016 ዓ/ም ገምግሟል፡፡ ክቡር ዶ/ር አብርሃም በላይ የመስኖና ቆላማ አካባቢ ሚኒስቴር ሚኒስትር እንዳሉት የመስኖ ስታንዳርድና ደንብ መኖር መስኖን እንደ ተቋምና ዘርፍ ሊያሳድገው የሚችል ተግባር በመሆኑ በልዩ ትኩረትና ጥራት ሊሰራ ይገባል፡፡ የመስኖ ስታንዳርድ ለማዘጋጀት ፕሮጀክት ይፋ የተደረገው ባለፈው ታህሳስ 2016 ዓ.ም ሲሆን ዋነኛ ዓለማውም በዲዛይንና ጥናት፣ በግንባታና በመስኖ የመሰረተ-ልማት አገልግልትና አገልግሎት አሰጣጥ ያለውን ችግር በመቅረፍ ጥራት ያለውና ወጪ ቆጣቢ የመስኖ ዘዴዎችንና አሰራሮችን በመተግበር ምርትና ምርታማነትን መጨመር እንዲያስችል ነው፡፡ የመስኖ ስታንዳርዱ የሚዘጋጀው ከFAO በተገኘ የገንዘብ ድጋፍ ሲሆን አዘጋጁም የአዲስ አበባ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የቴክኖሎጂ ኢንስቲትዩት፣ ከኢትዮጵያ ስታንዳርድ ኢንስቲትዩት እና ከመስኖና ቆላማ አካባቢ ሚኒስቴር ጋር በመተባበር ነው፡፡ ነሐሴ 10 ቀን 2016 ዓ.ም

የኢፌዴሪ መስኖና ቆላማ አካባቢ ሚኒስቴር በጎፋ ዞን ገዜ ጎፋ ወረዳ በተከሰተ የመሬት ናዳ ለተጎዱ ወገኖች የ5 ሚሊዮን ብር የገንዘብ ድጋፍ አደረገ ****************************************** የኢፌዴሪ መስኖና ቆላማ አካባቢ ሚኒስቴር ሚኒስትር ዶክተር አብረሃም በላይ በጎፋ ዞን በተከሰተ የመሬት ናዳ ምክንያት በወገኖቻችን ላይ የሞት እና የአካል ጉዳት በመድረሱ የተሰማቸውን ጥልቅ ሐዘን በመግለፅ ፈጣሪ የሞቱትን ነፍሳቸውን እንዲምር ተመኝተዋል። ጉዳቱ የሁላችን የኢትዮጵያውያን መሆኑንም ሚኒስትሩ አብራርተዋል። የክልሉ መንግስትና የዞኑ አስተዳደር በአደጋው ጉዳት የደረሰባቸውንና ከቤት ንብረታቸው የተፈናቀሉትን በቋሚነት ለማቋቋም እያደረገ ያለውን ጥረት ለመደገፍ የ5 ሚሊዮን ብር የገንዘብ ድጋፍ ከሚኒስቴር መስሪያ ቤቱ መደረጉን አመልክተው ድጋፉን ለዞኑ ዋና አስተዳዳሪ አስረክበዋል። በቀጣይ ተጎጂዎችን በዘላቂነት ለማቋቋም የሚደረገው ተግባር እስኪጠናቀቅ የሚጠበቅባቸውን ድጋፍ ለማድረግም ቃል ገብተዋል። የጎፋ ዞን ዋና አስተዳዳሪ ኢንጂነር ዳግማዊ አየለ በበኩላቸው የኢፌዴሪ መስኖና ቆላማ አካባቢ ሚኒስቴር ሚኒስትር ዶክተር አብረሃም በላይ እና ከፍተኛ የስራ ኃላፊዎች እስከ ቦታው ድረስ በመሄድ በደረሰው ጉዳት የተሰማቸውን ሀዘን በመግለፅ የገንዘብ ድጋፍ በማድረጋቸው በዞኑ አስተዳደር እና በተጎጂዎች ስም አመስግነዋል። ተጎጂዎችን እና ተፈናቃዮችን በዘላቂነት ለማቋቋም የሚደረገው ጥረት ከፍተኛ ሀብት የሚጠይቅ በመሆኑ ድጋፋቸው ተጠናክሮ እንዲቀጥል ዋና አስተዳዳሪው ጠይቀዋል።

At the 2024 Paris Olympics, Ethiopia won a gold medal in the marathon. Today in the Paris Olympic marathon, athlete Tamrat Tola finished with the first place and won a gold medal for the country. He also broke the Olympic record. Congratulations to all Ethiopians! We have!! August 10, 2024 ---------------------------------- Join Our Social Media Community: Website: https://mills.gov.et Telegram: https://t.me/MILLsEthiopia X: https://x.com/MILLsEthiopia LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3PW8TK9

Today in the Paris Olympic marathon, athlete Tamrat Tola finished

with the first place and won a gold medal for the country.

He also broke the Olympic record.

Congratulations to all Ethiopians! We have!!

August 10, 2024


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H.E. Dr. Abraham Belay, Minister of Irrigation and Lowlands and Mr. Giovanni Munoz, Chief of the East and Southern Africa Service, Farayi Zimudzi, FAO Representative in Ethiopia, and delegates have discussed ongoing areas of engagement

In NewsJune 5, 20241 Minutes


June 3/2024

Today, H.E. Dr. Abraham Belay, Minister of Irrigation and Lowlands, and H.E. Dr. Birhanu Lenjiso, State Minister of Irrigation Development Sector, welcomed Mr. Giovanni Munoz, Chief of the East and Southern Africa Service, Farayi Zimudzi, FAO Representative in Ethiopia, and delegates to discuss ongoing areas of engagement. Key topics included receiving technical support for our upcoming flagship projects and developing irrigation codes and standards. Excitingly, #FAO has agreed to consider supporting the integration of GIS-based MIS systems into our flagship programs, enhancing our data management capabilities. The delegates also explored other collaboration areas, such as support for irrigation design, construction, operation, and maintenance, as well as assistance with irrigation investment analysis and tariff settings.

This partnership with FAO marks a significant milestone in our efforts to enhance agricultural infrastructure and sustainability.

The Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands (MILLs) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Project Services Office (UNOPs)

In NewsJuly 24, 20231 Minutes


We are thrilled to announce our partnership with #UNOPs. This historic agreement was entered into by H.E. Aisha Mohammed Mussa (Eng.), (Minister of Irrigation and Lowlands), and Mrs. Worknesh Mekonnen (Director, Ethiopia Multi-Country Office and UNOPs Representative to AU). This collaboration will pave the way for transformative development in the Ethiopian Lowlands, unlocking the untapped resources and ushering in a new era of prosperity and opportunity. Both teams will work hand in hand to mobilize resources for technical assistance, conducting comprehensive feasibility studies, pilots, and scaleups. These initiatives are crucial in identifying and capitalizing on the vast potential of the Ethiopian Lowlands. Both #MILLs and UNOPS share a common vision that the Ethiopian Lowlands are lands of immense opportunity, not scarcity.

Together, we are determined to harness these abundant resources and drive forward the development of our lowlands, with a special focus on irrigation to ensure a flourishing future for our communities.