Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands


State Minister for Irrigation Development Sector

Message from the State Minister

Dear Readers,

I warmly welcome you to the website of the Ministry of Irrigation & Lowlands (MILLs). Currently, Ethiopia is the 10th- most populous country in the world, the 2nd- most populous nation in Africa next to Nigeria. Though our country has relatively ample water resources, favorable climate conditions and large fertile irrigable land, its food supply and economy in general is largely dependent on rain-fed agriculture. Heavy reliance on rain-fed agriculture, during conditions of very variable rainfall and recurrent droughts, affects agriculture and, hence, has adverse effects on the economy of the country. In view of the increasing population growth and food demand on one hand and increasing pressure on rain-fed agriculture due to land degradation and climate variability on the other, the important role of irrigation development is indispensible. Therefore, making the best use of water resources for agriculture and improving irrigation efficiency are urgent needs and prerequisites for sustainable food production in the nation. Accordingly, irrigation in Ethiopia is considered as a basic strategy to alleviate poverty and for the attainment of food sovereignty.

The government of Ethiopia has recently reaffirmed its commitment to ensure and sustain the nation’s food sovereignty. In this regard, the Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands (MILLs) is responsible to achieve such goal. The ministry has also the responsibilities to prepare detail irrigation strategies and programs compatible with the national development plan supported by innovative technologies that will enhance productivity. The Irrigation Development wing of the Ministry is mainly responsible for studying, and designing irrigation projects, and undertaking engineering procurement. Moreover, it will also closely work with the regional governments providing the necessary capacity building and technical supports required for the successful implementation of small scale irrigation projects.

For the last decade, especially for the last six years, the developments in the Ethiopian irrigation system have shown great advancements so as to assure Ethiopian livelihoods particularly in the rural areas. For instance, irrigated wheat production initiative in the country demonstrate the potential for increased production and productivity through irrigation, the collective use of mechanization, provision of agricultural inputs and other farm management facilities. A recent review of irrigated wheat performance in Ethiopia shows a sharp increase in the area under irrigation, total production and productivity.

According to Ministry of Agriculture, by the year 2019, the area covered under irrigated wheat was only 3,502 hectare and after four years, in 2023 it significantly increased to 3.0 million hectare. As a result, the irrigated wheat production which was 0.1 million quintals in 2019 increased to 117 million quintals in the year 2023, showing a production increase of 116.9 million quintals of wheat with annual growth rate of 292 percent within the four years period demonstrating remarkable progresses in the developments of Ethiopian irrigation system. However, the contribution of irrigation to the national economy as compared to its potentials still insignificant.

This indicates more investments on the area have paramount importance for the development of the country. Therefore, intensive investment should be operated in the sector by public, private sectors and other development partners especially in medium and large scale irrigation developments.

Although our ministry on behave of the FDRE government will take the leading role in developing irrigation policy, regulatory framework and scheme development, the role of the private sector is critical specifically in developing and managing small and medium-scale irrigation schemes. In this regard, the Ministry will create conducive conditions for private investors and local communities to participate and gain incentives from irrigation development projects in accordance with the law. Therefore, we kindly invite private companies and other development partners to help us transform food production in Ethiopia.

Yours Sincerely,



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